Developed Planning Idea’s.
Overall I still want my music video to have an urban feel and I want the music video to be really energetic and vibrant. However due to some difficulties I have come up with another idea that I feel would work well with the song and what I want.
The Story:
Instead of having the male dancer who travels and meets other dancers and skaters I have changed it to having someone who looks superior and of upper class, such as a business man, he will carry around a suitcase and inside will hold a chair of some sort. He will travel to lots of different locations and get out his chair and watch the different dancers. It is a very quirky and different idea and I feel it will overcome the problem of getting lots of people in one go.
(same as before)
I want to use lots of different urban and cool locations, in door and out. I want to use locations such as southbank skate park, trocadero, local park, studios and streets. This will give a variety of locations and will engage my audience as it will not get boring. I also want locations will vibrancy and urban feel to give the conventional feel good atmosphere.
(same as before)
I want to use both genders of different racises. They will all have a certain skill that will be demonstraited throughout the video. I want to have both female and male break dancers, I also want to use an element of ballet dancers as a sign of varsity and diversity. This will be more engaing for the audience as it shows different skills and talents becoming unison. I will be holding auditions for people to be in music video. They will have interesting and more retro costumes which will be aesthetically appealing
(same as before)
I have chosen the song ‘changed the way you kissed me’ by example, I have not changed my choice because I felt that the song was suitable for the narrative/performance and it has a good drifts and build ups to the song.